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Working at Dexory

Meet the Dexory Team: Carlos, Senior Build and Assembly Engineer


My name is Carlos, I joined Dexory in December 2022 as an Assembly Technician in the Hardware team. I am now a Senior Build and Assembly Engineer still in the Hardware team but I collaborate a lot more with the design team. The main focus of my role is to build the robots, help technicians and give feedback to the design team about issues and improvements regarding the robot.

How would you describe your professional journey and the key milestones that have led you to your current position? 

The first few years of my career, I worked as a Sound Engineer for production companies in Europe and the UK after studying music technology. It was a great experience as I worked with really talented artists, but COVID-19 came around and I lost my job as the live industry went bust. 

I pivoted into a role in supply chain, where I had a lot of transferable skills, and worked my way up from an Warehouse Operative role to a Supply Chain Analyst role in under 2 years. In November of 2022, a friend working at Dexory reached out to me and explained the project and I was immediately interested! After working in the supply chain industry, I was aware of the issues faced in the sector, and I saw the potential of the technology developed by Dexory. Working here has made all my expertise in engineering and the supply chain come together perfectly.

Can you share a memorable project or achievement that you've been involved in during your time here? 

The build of the first robot has been quite memorable. We had built the base of the robot, but it was the first time building the full-scale version. It was impressive because it was really tall. Seeing it in the pictures, you think ‘it's gonna be big’ but when you see it in real life, it’s actually mind blowing.

How do you usually collaborate with your team, and other teams within the company ? 

As a Build and Assembly Engineer, I require constant collaborations with other teams, especially design and production. We are focused on two things: building the robots and making sure we communicate in a clear and concise way with the design team and production to implement the new changes and to streamline the building process. Overall, we are still quite flexible with the way we collaborate as we strive to be as agile as possible. We are always testing what works and what doesn’t.

How does the company promote continuous learning and professional development in the field of robotics and AI? 

What I like most about Dexory is the diversity of engineers in the team. We have people with such deep and interesting knowledge, and I get to communicate and learn from them on a daily basis. I am blessed with amazing colleagues and everyone is keen on spreading their skills and expertise which is brilliant because I love learning new things. I have learned so much already about robotics and AI which aren’t initially my background.

If you could travel back in time and give your younger self one piece of career advice, what would it be? 

When I first came to the United Kingdom eleven years ago, I never expected I was going to end up working for a company like Dexory. I moved from Spain at eighteen and I worked my way up slowly without really knowing where it would take me: I worked multiple jobs, and then went to university. After that, I went with the flow, but I always made sure to do my best and I think that worked out for me. 

So my advice to my younger self would be: keep persevering and be patient, the hard work is going to pay off. Though it can be hard to find the right job, do your best and eventually you will find the position that will fulfill you professionally.

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938