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Case study

Dexory collaborates with DENSO Manufacturing UK, a global mobility supplier


DENSO Manufacturing UK (DMUK) is a global mobility supplier that develops advanced technology and components for nearly every vehicle make and model on the road today.

Using state-of-the-art technology in a just-in-time environment, DENSO Manufacturing UK carries out a wide variety of processes to produce plastic mouldings, aluminium pressings, heat exchangers and pipe and hose components. These supply in-house final assembly lines and kitting operations before delivery to internal warehousing and dispatch areas.

DENSO’s day-to-day challenges

Ensuring comprehensive oversight of stock and storage operations is critical for manufacturers.

The process of stock-taking is widely recognised as a labour-intensive and time-consuming task that numerous warehouse operations tend to sidestep. Inaccuracies in stock can have an immediate and profound impact on production lines - all the way to stopping manufacturing.

Dexory introduced autonomous robots to scan the entire warehouse, building a digital twin for real-time data analysis and insight into the storage of goods, enabling DENSO to monitor and fix inaccuracies and secure thorough control over stock.

Providing the solution and results

Dexory’s fully autonomous robot navigates aisles to check each and every rack location - avoiding obstacles and complying with established warehouse procedures.

The robot scans racks to identify empty locations and locate pallets of components in real-time, quicker and more accurately than when completed manually. By comparing the data collected in the real warehouse environment with existing WMS (Warehouse Management System) stock records, Dexory reconciles inconsistencies and closes the data loop.

The end goal is to build a warehouse digital twin that offers real-time intelligence to inform and ensure zero-error procurement, with no disruptions to the production line and the wider supply chain across all DENSO sites.

They have seen remarkable results from the beginning:

Working with Dexory, the shared vision for the use of technology and the data collected to drive better business decisions is about making life easier for humans rather than replacing them from operations.

Interesting in seeing Dexory in action? Book your demo today.

EU flag

This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938