Daily vs. Yearly: Why automated inventory counts are crucial for your warehouse operations

Traditionally, inventory counts were conducted manually on a periodic basis—weekly, monthly, or...

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Dexory celebrates win at UK Warehousing Association Awards Excellence 2024

We are thrilled and honoured to announce that Dexory has been awarded...

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The robotics behind Dexory’s automated inventory management system

Today’s machines are more intuitive, complex and autonomous than ever, helping warehouses...

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DexoryView: Introducing block stack cycle counting for inventory management

Efficiency, accuracy, and safety are of greatest importance in warehouse management. Our...

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Adapting supply chains to meet the challenges of social media-driven demand

The influence of social media on consumer behaviour is undeniable. These trends...

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How the UK general election could shape the logistics industry

As the UK approaches its next general election, the logistics and supply...

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938