Thought leadership
Addressing the Visibility Gap™ within supply chains: Identifying challenges and implementing solutions

Companies need to strategically and tactically manage numerous individual silos throughout the...

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Thought leadership
Predicts 2024: Supply Chain Technology from Gartner

As supply chain technology continues to evolve, organisations must proactively embrace these...

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Thought leadership
How real-time data and automation is transforming inventory management

Efficient inventory management lies at the heart of every successful manufacturing operation...

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Thought leadership
The power of data in Logistics 4.0: Leveraging technology for success and supply chain resilience

In this paper, Dexory aims to explore the ways in which organisations...

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Thought leadership
Why logistics firms want flexible machine vision

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938